Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Big, Huge Thanks: Reader's Choice Awards 2014

Dear readers,
I have taken a sabbatical - not from life and work, just from blogging.  So, I'm not sure whether I am talking to myself or whether some of you are still subscribers to this blog.   If you are .. that is so great! 
I have been practicing naturopathic medicine now for five years.  In that five years, I have matured in mind, progressed in skill set, embraced many challenges and grown through it all.  I continue the journey for what it offers me:  a winding path of new relationships with fantastic people, a continued opportunity to learn and develop and the joys of seeing people heal themselves with what seems like simply a little coaxing.
Along my winding path I have often felt like I am not doing enough.  As a practitioner, despite favourable results, you never really know if you are doing enough for the people you are helping.  I have been honoured, in the past two years, with the title of "Best Naturopathic Doctor, Markham".  And this year again, the votes are in, and I am listed as not only the "Best Naturopathic Doctor, Markham" but also the "Best Homeopathic Doctor, Markham".  This is a small, little note from the beautiful people that make up my practice that assure me that I might just be doing enough ...
Thank you all - I am honoured to serve you. 


  1. Yes, Gail, we've been here and listening all along.
    The care and thoughtfulness you pour into each and every post shared here is the kind of generous and loving spirit that is being rewarded.
    Your time to shine, my friend!

    Cheers and congratulations!

  2. Dee .. you are a valued and loving support in my life and I appreciate it all! xo
